Friday, August 15, 2008


Hey does anyone here blog or own a website? If so i would like to introduce you to a great way to make money from it. Its great because of the 100% click through rate. In other words you make money with each and every visitor to your blog or website. These are called pay per play ads, and unlike any other form of affiliate marketing, you get payed when people enter your website and not when people click on the link provided in the ad. Its straight forward and the actually pay through check so if your interested a link will be provided below. You will get paid 25% of what the adverttiser pays. I know it seems low but the fact that someone needs only to merely enter your website/blog more than makes up for it. and if you refer someone to this website you get five percent of what the advertiser pays them. You might be kind of skeptical at first, but this is a great way to earn and income. so all you have to worry about is building/publicizing your ad to make money. As i mentioned earlier i will be posting a link and here it is.

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